
by Super Fun Hannah

I lay on the grass looking up at the clear blue sky, the occasional fluffy cumulus cloud dotted the view, and a few straggly cirrus drifted higher still. pollution levels had been dropping consistently for the past 2 decades and the air in Lundenwic was now cleaner than it had been at any time since the industrial revolution, or so we were told.

The greasy wrapper from my schnitzel lay on the grass to my left. In the distance I could hear a military band playing Sieg Heil Viktoria, the merry tune almost concealing the sentiments of genocidal patriotism it had helped to spur some 70 years ago. The tune, punctuated by Big Ben striking 1pm, awoke me from my near-slumber and reminded me that my cloud-spotting lunch-hour was at an end and i should be heading back to work.

I hauled myself back to sitting, rubbing my eyes. I hadn't realised how sleepy I'd been until I'd tried to move. Ah well - only another 4 hours and the day would be done and the weekend upon me. I stood, and walked across the lush green park to the war museum in which I worked. Farewell sunshine - i would see you again after four hours of cataloging in the basement. Mustn't moan though. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, I reminded myself as I entered the stairwell leading to my dark and dingy workstation. I was good at this, and it was a job that needed doing.

Two hours later, which felt like an eternity, I leant back in my chair, stretched my arms to the ceiling, and gently arched my back. The documents I was currently working with were fascinating - records of the several thousand Jewish women and children found hidden here in what was then London, when the German army had marched victoriously through the streets. Many had fled, of course, but it's hard to escape an island and few had been successful. I'd been archiving and cataloging these records for the last 3 months, and left work each day overwhelmed by my knowledge of the brutality of the collection and disposal of these Jews. I'd walk into the beautiful park outside in one of the most technologically advanced and environmentally sustainable cities in the world, breathing fresh clean air and surrounded by a healthy populous sharing equitable resources - poverty a thing of the distant past, and wonder just how it was that such evil had spawned such greatness. And more, how much longer my contribution to society must be its concealment.

I snapped out of my reverie to a crashing sound above. I pushed back my chair and ran towards the doorway, just as it burst open and 3 of my colleagues from upstairs were bundled in. ‘Lie-mongers!’ Yelled the balaclava clad figure who pushed them in. ‘Communism is not freedom, victory was not earned, and you cannot hide history from us any longer. Die like rats!’. The door slammed, the lights went out, and our grating, hacking, blood-spattering coughs filled the dark room.
