All stories

June 5th, 2019

June 5th, 2019

Hey Story Club, welcome to the very first edition of Story Club News!

New member

We’ve had our very first story submission sent in by someone that none of us in the group knows. Word is spreading! Look out for their story this week.

Digital updates

For anyone who missed it, we now have a Twitter account - @StoryClub500 - so give us a follow if you’re a Tweeter and help us spread the word.

We also have an official Story Club email account -, so please send your story submissions here and we’ll get them up onto the website.

James has, as ever, been beavering away and making changes and improvements to One new feature is the addition of the 'Testing the waters' section on the authors' page. One-time authors’ work will live here until they send in another submission.

Everyone has their own author page with all of their stories on it. If you want to add a little biog you can send it to StoryClub500@gmail and we’ll add it to your page.

Your thoughts

Any changes you’d like to see in Story Club? Any ideas you’d like to talk about? We’ve had some discussion around creating podcasts or pursuing funding options for future development. If anyone has any thoughts on these or would like to be involved then let us know!

Don't forget that this week's stories will be up on the website this evening. Remember to post feedback and let people know what you think, and check the home page for details of next week's challenge.

Jenny, James and Lewis

November 14th 2019

Hey Story Clubbers!


James and Claire have been longlisted for the Flash500 short story competition! Check out James’ story Sweet Smell Rose and Claire’s was A Night at the Circus, check them out on the Story Club website then look at their names on the Flash500 website in wonderment!

And don’t forget that Dan made it onto the shortlist for Flash500 with his story Keith’s Last Session. Nice one Dan!!


Story Club turned 3 at the beginning of November! Why not read some of the very first submissions written way back in 2016?

New Logo

OK, it’s not so much new; more that we’re starting to use it a bit more. Who spotted it on the StoryClub website.

Revisit week

We thought we’d try out a new format for stories. We’ll submit our stories one week as usual, but instead of releasing a new theme and objects to include, we’ll all rewrite the same story for the following week based on feedback received from each other. We’ll try it once and, if it works, we’ll do it again every few months.

The idea is to generate some more critical and engaged feedback on stories - suggestions for improvements, what worked, what didn’t, how can the story be better? The second submission will be an improved edit of the first.

If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions for ideas just let Jenny, James or Lewis know.

Coming up

Keep an eye on the website for new developments - including your Story Streaks and stats, accomplishments and some new website features.